

  1. Converted City Hall to all new LED lighting.
  2. Thanks to the Mayor and our Economic Developer for retaining the downtown Walgreens store to help alleviate the food desert in GC.


    1. Sponsored “Solarize Metro-East” events in Granite City in an endeavor to increase solar power installations and use in Madison County and surrounding communities.
    2. Partnered with Piasa Palisades Sierra Club,  the New American Gardening, and Granite City Art and Design District for an educational event for Metro-East residents about the half-acre stormwater and native plant demonstration garden project in Granite City.
    3. Sponsored a “Listen, Lead, and Share” event in Granite City, after the passage of the Future Energy Jobs Act in Illinois in 2016. These events were occurring throughout Illinois. The purpose of these events were to educate the public about the Bill and to hear their thoughts and feelings to share with the legislators who were beginning to write the legislation for the Bill.    


  1. Converted to 100% post consumer recycled content janitorial paper supplies.
  2. Eliminated Styrofoam at City Hall and replaced it with reusable, recyclable, and compostable items
  3. Developed a policy to purchase only Energy Star related computer monitors, office equipment and kitchen equipment 
  4. Established an official 10% energy reduction plan.
  5. Converted to 100% post consumer recycled content janitorial paper supplies.
  6. Eliminated Styrofoam at City Hall and replaced it with reusable, recyclable, and compostable items.
  7. Developed a policy to purchase only Energy Star related computer monitors, office equipment and kitchen equipment.
  8. Established an official 10% energy reduction plan.
  9. Provided sustainability educational materials and learning events for the city personnel at the City Hall, including materials on recycling
  10. Completed a lightning audit to identify conservation potentials.
  11. Completed our Granite City Sustainability Plan which was approved l unanimously by the City Council.
  12. Continued the Air Quality Project in completion of the grant.
  13. Granite City participated in and completed a Wetlands Mitigation Reforestation Project, where 36,000 trees were planted at the project site in Granite City.
  14. Developed a webpage called that is linked from the City’s Website.
  15. Joined in the Pumpkin Purge through the composting program sponsored by Madison County Planning and Development Department


  1. Our Mayor formed a committee, our Granite City Cool CitiesCommittee, consisting of city staff, elected officials, representatives from civic organizations, religious organizations, businesses, and residents.
  2. The Cool Cities Committee completed a sustainabilitypolicy for our community.
  3. We provided educational materials and learning events for residents, organizations, business constituents, schools and city personnel on air quality and sustainability.
  4. The Cool Cities Committee joined a grassroots resident organization in a US EPA Environmental Justice Small Grant Project which included: an Ozone Garden, the Air Quality Flag Program, and learning events and presentations about air quality and how to stay healthy and safe on days when the Ozone levels are high and unhealthy using the EPA Air Quality Index and Outdoor Safety Guide.
  5. The Clean Air Coordinator of the project communicated air quality alerts throughout the city at the 6 educational sites and all Granite City Schools (public and parochial),using Air Quality Flags and the EPA Air Quality Index.
  6. Purchased 20 new vehicles:  5 electric cars and 15 hybrids.
  7. Purchased and installed EV charging stations at the Public Works Department and the Police Station.
  8. Supported two community gardens that provide services and free lunches to neighboring residents.
  9. Through an electric aggregation referendum residents of Granite City receive their electric supply from 100% renewable energy.  Thanks to our Mayor.
  10. Provided recycling equipment at the City Hall.